Our Most Valuable Resource

Homeschool Support is one of the most important things to find when one decides to teach their child at home.  I hope that you will find a group that will be a great fit for your family.

Information is another valuable resource. You can get posts from the blog in your email, sign up for our new monthly newsletter (Coming Soon!) and follow “Homeschool-ology” on Twitter or at Facebook.

Message me there or email me to let me know if you want me to highlight and share an event, activity or information about a homeschool support group or homeschool curriculum.

Be sure to  “LIKE” & “FOLLOW” the Facebook page so you won’t miss my posts in your news feed. I often share extra content there, so you won’t get only duplicates of what I post on the website.

On Twitter find North Carolina homeschool updates @HomeschoolinNC.

Group Listings

There are four different group pages listed in the Menu, so if you don’t find the type of group you are looking for on this page, try one of the others:

NC Homeschool-ology Discussion Groups

Have questions or concerns about homeschooling in NC? Want to know where to start? Wondering how to network and connect with others in your area of the state? Please join us for conversations about styles of home education, resources & activities in your area.

Request membership in one of the Facebook Discussion Groups for your community:

Staying Current

It can be really frustrating to run into outdated or broken links when you are searching for homeschool support, so I update links & pages as things come to my attention that should be added or updated.

I would love to add your activity, class or support group contact information so that North Carolina homeschoolers can find you!

Your suggestions for this page are always welcome and if you have found it helpful, I hope you leave a comment to let me know – that keeps me going!


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Please Add My Group, Event, Class or Activity

[contact-form to=’homeschoolology@gmail.com’ subject=’ADD MY ACTIVITY OR GROUP INFO PLEASE’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website/Email for Group or Activity’ type=’url’/][/contact-form]